Archive for June, 2010

Mapping in Madrid and the week in general


Last weekend we were a team in Madrid to meet 25 doctors and dentists, interested in going to Scandinavia to work. We were informing them about the offers, interviewing them and teaching some basic Danish – so they could ‘taste’ the language and we could see how they were learning. I was teaching them in groups, and it was good and interesting. In the beginning they were almost shocked by our sounds, but they quickly got it, and in the end they could present themselves and ask some questions.

This week on campus was another fast week. The Swedish group is now finishing their third week, still progressing rapidly. Soon I will be able to speak with them in my Danish/Swedish language.

Today we had Polish drivers visiting our campus. We have a project of recruiting drivers to England to work, and we met them to speak with them and asses their English level.

“I speak Swedish!”


We had 2 Norwegian guests yesterday. They met our Swedish group in the classroom during lessons. The group all presented themselves and told where they are going to work in Sweden, talked about family etc. The guests could almost not believe that the group were speaking so well after 1 week only – that they knew so many words and had such good accents. Afterwards I spoke with the group, and one of them told me that they themselves were impressed – by themselves. “We speak already a little Swedish, that’s amazing”, she said…

Beginning a new week


On Friday we said goodbye to one Swedish group – and today another Swedish group is entering the second week of their 15 weeks campus course. It works like this: They had pre-campus online training with Skype calls – studying at home. Now they have 15 weeks intensive training, and after that they work 75 % and continue language training in Sweden. We have developed an extensive online learning environment for this part.

Friday I got a mail from a doctor who is now going to Norway. The Norwegian group finished courses 2 weeks ago, and travel to Norway this week. The doctor wrote that her colleague (also on our course) had arrived in Norway and all seemed fine. It will be exciting to follow the group of 6 doctors during the coming months in Norway.

Life on campus


Warsaw is sunny and very warm today – 30 celcius. And it’s a busy day on campus: A new Swedish group just started, 9 people sweating together with the teacher. A Swedish group is finishing: They have a medical law seminar (second day) and tomorrow they have a big language test. And then off to Sweden to work and learn more Swedish for the next 3 months. They work 75% and learn 25% of the time – with our teachers. After three months they can work full time. It’s a proven model – works good!